Reports which are used on a regular basis can be saved as a shortcut to a user’s dashboard and can additionally be scheduled to run on a regular basis as an email attachment.

To take advantage of this option, select the required report without specifying filters and click on the Save as Shortcut button below the report filters.


This will open up the Report Shortcut window where a name and a description can be specified for the report shortcut:

Next a user or multiple users can be provided to specify who should receive this report via email:

To define a schedule for sending emails, tick the box and complete the scheduling frequency and duration options detailed below:

Finally, specify the filter criteria for the report.  If the report is to be run on a regular basis, it is often preferable to select relative filters such as “last week” or “last month” rather than absolute values such as a set date range.

Next click Done and navigate to the report shortcut tab.  The new shortcut will be listed under the reports section heading it was originally selected from:

Next to the shortcut, there are three icons:

  • email report 
  • edit report shortcut
  • delete report shortcut

The Email option, when selected, brings up a pop-up screen asking if the report should be emailed to yourself (user currently logged in) or the users on the report shortcut email list.  This option can be used for ad-hoc scheduling rather than choosing to set up a schedule within the shortcut.