To create an event on Monad, log in to your admin account. This is usually You will be taken to a screen headed “Dashboard”. This is the initial tab of your Monad Admin platform.
From the platform, select the “Setup” tab on the top right-hand side of the screen.
Once on the Setup tab, you will see a master file-tree on the left. If it is not expanded, click on the arrowhead to the left of the top folder in the tree to expand it. Note that this tree can be configured in many different ways. Starkadder divides shows into Theatre, Comedy, Dance etc. under a top folder called Genres, and then moves currently active shows into an Events folder with shortcut links back to the genres, but some users may prefer other arrangements, or may only ever deal with one type of show.
Click “Done” underneath the form and it will take you back to the Data tab in the folder properties. The properties for Show should now look like this:
As this is a single performance of a show you can save time by setting your show folder up as both a show and a performance. Click on “Create” under “There is no Performance data associated with this folder” and enter the start and end date and time:
Next click the Status tab (underneath “Folder Properties”). Here you can set the On Sale Scheme for the show and it’s one of the places where the folder can be activated or deactivated. Click Update to commit any changes you have made.
Now click “Edit Display” (next to “Folder Properties” at the top of the page). Here you can set how the online flyer for your show will appear.
In “Short Description” you can enter a short description/tagline for the event to act as a summary. In “Public Web Copy” you can enter a longer description which will be seen when the event is selected. In “Public Footer” you can enter anything you want to appear below the purchase buttons. Multimedia links can also be added to these sections and there is additionally a “Staff Only Web Copy” section where event information relevant to staff can be added and which will only be visible to staff. The Public Web Copy, Public Footer and Staff Only Web Copy boxes all offer standard Windows-type formatting tools with which to control how your text appears.
Below the Staff Only Web Copy section is a pull-down list of available images, or you can add a new one by clicking on New under the word “Image” and selecting an appropriate JPEG image (sized to 16 x 9: 600-700 pixels wide), or pasting one in. Click Done to save your image and return to the Display page for your show.
Any image you have selected will be displayed on the right-hand side of the Display page, as well as in the Image section itself. By selecting the tabs on the right-hand side, above the image (if any) and title, you can edit the way the folder is displayed to the public.
- “This Folder” controls how this folder is displayed when it is directly selected.
- “As Product Header” controls how this folder is displayed when a product inside it is selected.
- “Child Products” controls how the products in this folder are rendered (nothing to do with actual children!).
- “As Child” controls how this folder is displayed when it is rendered as the child (sub-folder) of another folder.
At any point you can click on “Update” to save any changes you have made so far and continue editing. Once you have finished, click “Done” to commit those changes and exit the new folder record. [Note that Cancel, Update and Done are standard controls, generally at bottom left, but on some pages they appear so far down-screen that they have to be scrolled to.] Once a folder has been formatted, whether as show or performance, right-clicking it and selecting “Properties” will enable you to edit the dates etc., while selecting “Edit” will enable you to edit the name and display features.
Before your show can be activated and put on sale you will need to add a venue and link your show to it, and set up tickets with their associated pricing and discount schemes. Once that is done, and you are ready to make your show visible on the Sales side of your website, right-click the show in the file-tree and select “Activate with Contents”. Once a folder has been activated, the icon just to the left of its name will change from red to green.